On the anniversary of our diagnosis…

On the anniversary of our diagnosis…

It has been 4 years. Four years since I sat in a room with a developmental pediatrician for hours talking about my son, showing videos, answering questions, managing his anxiety as I could tell he wanted to leave the room. I sat there praying we were wrong. Praying she would look at us and say, "it's not autism." But instead, she smiled... and told us our son was autistic. I smiled back. With a shaking hand I took her diagnosis letter, picked up my 2-year-old son, and left the office.

We Must Do Better

We Must Do Better

POV: The lady at the doctor’s office tells you to “calm down” your autistic son. I drive by this doctor’s office almost daily. I will not soon forget this day, this moment, this woman’s face. She looked at me so angry, so annoyed at my precious son who was running in place and making happy [...]

A visit to Myrtle Beach

A visit to Myrtle Beach

“Only 13% of autism families surveyed take family vacations. Yet, 93% of respondents said they would be more inclined to travel if autism services were available.” (According to a study by IBCCES) Autism families let me tell you that Myrtle Beach, SC has entered the chat! I recently learned about the Champion Autism Network while [...]

Happy Autism Acceptance Month

Happy Autism Acceptance Month

April is Autism Acceptance Month and this April we are so thrilled to announce our Channing's Joy shirts are NOW AVAILABLE exclusively at http://www.vestique.com! Shirts can be purchased now through the end of April with 100% of the proceeds benefiting Autism Strong. 1 in 44. That’s how many children have an autism diagnosis. Our “Choose [...]



Shout out to Carowinds for making our lives a little easier, and for the most enjoyable experience! Special needs families: Carowinds offers an amazing boarding pass program allowing your child the ability to be “in line” without actually having to wait in the line. It was a game changer for us. Plus, the staff were all so kind. We bought a season pass (obviously feeling ambitious!).

Team #ChanningsJoy

Team #ChanningsJoy

The day was perfect from start to finish (and we rarely ever can say that!). I wanted to make an Instagram reel but it was impossible to put all of the love we felt into one minute. I wanted to make a blog post but it just doesn’t feel like enough. My heart could explode with pride for my boy and with love for our friends and family. Our cup runneth over and over.

Keep on keeping on

Keep on keeping on

When I get sad, I like to write. Which seems to be the common theme in my blog posts. By the time I finish writing, I am reminded of the many things I have to be thankful for, and end up feeling better. So... right now, I'm feeling sad. I don't write that to say "pity me." I am writing this to all the other autism mamas out there to say, "I am here, feeling sad, right along side you." I know I am not alone in my sadness but also so sad that others feel this way too.

Life Lately

Life Lately

Whoa, it has been a while since I’ve blogged! Here’s a little chaotic update on our life lately. I was feeling so good sharing our story and had plans for all sorts of blog posts... and then we were given a big surprise; I found out I was pregnant! We were shocked and excited, while [...]

Highs and Lows

Highs and Lows

Let’s talk about highs and lows, ups and downs, ebbs and flows.  Some days are hard… we all have hard days.  Then there are the days you feel like “oh yeah, I’ve got this!” and think you can do anything.  When that feeling is there, it is so great, but when you’re snapped back down [...]

How did we know?

How did we know?

I had a few parents reach out asking us how did we know to get help and what are the red flags associated with autism, which has lead me to this post. I am not a pediatrician.  I am far from an autism expert.  I would ALWAYS suggest following your gut and asking professionals.  However, [...]

Our Truth

Our Truth

I have written this in my head so many times, yet I still don’t know where to begin.  Forgive me if this bounces ALL over the place.  I’ve gone back and forth over whether or not to tell our story… because it’s just that, it’s OUR story and do I really want strangers to know [...]